Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Bungee, Mountains, and Food Poisoning! Oh My!

What and adventure!  So I leave my house early in the morning on Thursday.  My plan was to make it to Unyama, just outside of Gulu (about 5 hours away) before noon.  Unfortunately, I got caught up in packing/securing my house (one of the little neighbor kids said a thief tried to pick my lock the last time I was away) and so I missed the lorry (10 ton flatbed truck) to town.  So I start walking with all of my camping gear in a big heavy uncomfortable army rucksack a friend gave me before I left for Africa.  It is big, durrable, and deters people from trying to steal from me, but it isn't the best for camping gear.  So because of this I am trying to flag down every car that goes by.  After about two miles a small pickup stops and gives me a lift to town - wheeeeew!  This does not bode well for my mountain climbing ambitions though.

Once in town I see a very nice white toyota pickup with the Jesuit Refugee Service logo on the side.  This must Fr. Richard, a very nice Irish priest doing work in Sudan, who must be in town for supplies.  So I go and find Fr. Richard and shoot the breeze with him for a bit and explain that I'm headed to Ocer Campion College in Unyama.  He knows some other folks headed in the that direction and so they give me a lift to the junction where I begin walking for about 10 steps when another pickup gives me a lift.  Not a bad day so far concidering my late start.

Two flat tires and 4 hours later, I finally arrive at the college (oh, college here means high school) and I'm not feeling all that well.  Perhaps too much sun.  So I meet with Fr. Tony (an American from the mid-west) and got a tour of the awesome school that they are just getting under way.  The buildings are built stablized-earth interlocking blocks that make the overall cost, both monitarily and evironmentally, lower.  The entire school is off grid and self sustaining using water catchment and solar.  The curriculum is still that of the Ugandan Ministry of Education, but there are plans to change that to something reasonable soon.  The staff is wonderful and the education approach is much more wholistic.  The students maintain the campus, grow thier own food, some are even working to build some of the buildings during the holiday and soon they will be making thier own uniforms.  It really is quickly becoming a model school, not just for Uganda but even for the world.  Inshort, this is the kind of school I want to teach at.  I really don't think Uganda needs any more aid funding.  Uganda really just needs donars to check up on how the money is used, as the "big men" at the top seem to be all but drownding in everything they skim off the aid. So, if you want to donate to a worthy cause and want to be assured that all of the money is used properly then check out  If you like what you see, then send them a few dollars.  The Jesuits will use it well to give these kids a real education.

However, the awe from the inspiring leap of faith Fr. Tony and his supports, donors, and staff have taken is short lived.  I am really feeling aweful now.  Headache, high fever, weak, and my guts are about to explode.  So after a good hour or so in the latrine, Fr. Tony kindly offers me a room for the night.  That puts another delay in my travel plans, but I feel so terrible I decide to accept.

I spent that night sweating out one of the worst fevers of my life.  Luckly, I have a very nice 6L MSR bladder and re-hydration salts (like gatorade only it tastes like medicine) with me and I nurse on that all night (thanks Hal!).  By morning I'm better, the fever is broken and my guts have called and armestice with whatever was causing all the ruccous.  So I pack my bags and get ready to head out after thanking everyone abundantly when, wouldn't you know, there is a truck full of goats, tubers, poultry, and priests going down to the capitol.  Just enough room for me to squeeze in the back seat, and my bag to slide in under the goats.  A short 4 hours later (woohoo I'm back on schedule) and I'm in the over-sized sewer most folks call the city of Kampala.

I check in at the PC office now that it is Friday.  No one is around so I sit at the computer for a while.  Sully is supposed to land at 2:10 am on Saturday, so there really isn't any reason for me to get a hotel room.  So as the hours pass and productivity dwindles I decide to check email one more time.  Guess who I just recieved and email from:  Sully!  A quick inquery from him showes me that I am, in fact, an idiot.  I read his arrival time correctly, but I read his departure date instead of his arrival date.  He isn't landing until Sunday morning at 2:10 am.  Well crap.  Its now about 1:00 am, I'm sad and tired.  So, against regulations, I decide to camp out at the PC office.  Shhhhh, don't tell.  I don't really sleep much because there are so many mosquitoes and no nets.  But at 7:00 am I am feeling better.

I spend the rest of the day just kind of goofing around and chatting with the PCV's as they come into the office for this and that.  Devon, one of the people planning on climbing the mountain with us, is also in the office, so we decide to split a hotel room.  We arrive at one of the few PC approved hotels in Kampala and find out they are full.  So we figure they have a roof, we have camping gear, why not let us sleep on the roof?  Well, after an hour or so of arguing, reasoning and insisting, a room magically opens up.  It is just big enough for the cot sized bed.  The door doesn't even open all the way because it hits the bed, but we split it anyway.  Devon, being 6' 2", takes the bed and I sleep on my camping pad on the floor partly under the bed.  Besides, I have to get up at 2:00 am to meet Sully at the airport so I might as well be closest to the door so I don't have to step on Devon.

Sully finally arrives.  I got a private taxi to take me to the airport and bring us back.  Sully seems to be doing well by the time we make it back to the hotel.  So we sit and chat till breakfast, eat, then head to the PC office to pick up the rest of my stuff, drop off all the goodies Sully muled over for me, and find out the game plan for leaving for the mountain.

Well, long story short, we had trouble getting the discount we should have gotten for being members of the Wildlife Clubs of Uganda so we decide to spend Monday arguing and then we will climb on Tuesday.  That means that for Sunday we go and visit a family friend Sully knows.

Rob is a really awesome guy who is living in his bachelor pad on the beach of Lake Victoria.  We go down and visit him, walk through the botanical gardens right nex to his house, try out his monkey gun (kind of like a potatoe gun that shoots pop corn to scare away the monkeys) and then drink beer and cook steak.  IT WAS AWESOME!!!!  It has been nearly a year since I have had steak, and this was great steak!  Then we sleep in Rob's spare room with a fan (did I mention what a generous man Rob is?).  I slept like the dead, it was glorious.

The next day we head off to Mbale, with a quick stop in Jinja to bungee jump into the Nile.  We read on line that the price was $55, but when we got there it was actually $80, so only Sully jumped as I had already done some bungee jumping when I was in NZ.  Then in Mbale, we spend the rest of the day arguing with the park service to no avail.  So we continue on to the base of the mountain and crash on a friends floor.

Tuesday found us in the park office at Mt. Elgon arguing yet again.  Finally we give up and start climbing.  The first day was rough.  I'm sucking wind, I'm over packed, and my rucksack is all but an oversized feedsack strapped to my back.  But we make it with some time to spare.  It is cold for me up on the mountain, but Sully seems to be in good form now.  Especially compared to his earlier overheating at the base of the mountain.  We cook some good old American camping food (man was it good) and call it a night.  Since we didn't get the discount, we are trying to do a 4 day hike in 3 days, so tomorrow morning comes early.

Wednesday, 5:00 am.  I'm cold, sore, and tired.  Devon and Brian, the other two PCV's, don't seemed to be phased at all by yesterday's workout and are already up.  Sully and I get dressed, pack up and eat the oats Devon and Brian had already cooked for us.  Man do I feel like a slacker.  But once we get moving I'm doing much better.  The scenery has changed a lot.  At the base were cultivated fields, then we moved up into bamboo groves, then thick trees with moss all over them and finally scrubby trees and bushes.  Yesterday was also about 2000 meters of elevation gain, and today we only have to do 800 meters to reach the summit.  What will make today tough is that we need to summit then go back down a different trail to the next camp.  Supposidly a hike of 29 km, most of it going up and down.

We broke camp at around 6:30 ish, and summited at 9:30.  I'm impressed, especially since they told us it should be 4 hours if you are moving without your packs.  We still have our packs because we aren't going back to the same camp.  The guide is a little annoyed, he didn't plan on working this hard.  Apparently, most of the time the tour groups only do 4-6 hrs of hiking a day (with porters, feel a little better about myself) and we are planning on hiking from sun up to sun down.  I guess I wouldn't be too happy either if I was the guide.  Nevertheless, our moral improves greatly once we hit the top.  I'm the slowest of the three and ever so greatful to know that the next 10 km will be down hill.  The view is awesome.  The caldera at the top of Mt. Elgon is supposed to be the 4th largest in the world.  I don't know if this is true or not, but it sure is pretty.  Scrubby trees and bushes break up the bowl of dry grass that fills the landscape.  The sun is still pretty low, the wind is down and the clouds are just beginning to roll in.  I enjoy the scene for a bit, toast with some Turkey 101 with the others and then I leave them to marvel and take pictures so that I can get a head start.  I hate being the wimp of the group.

The whole day we haul butt to make sure we don't run out of day light.  We don't even stop for lunch.  The guide made it sound like we would make it to camp just before dark.  But I think he was just trying to scare us out of our 3 day plan, because by 3:00 pm we were at the next camp.  Man are we good!  I was worried that at my pace we wouldn't make it, but we had plenty of time to spare.  Now I wish we would have slowed down to enjoy our hike more.  Oh well.  A quick dip on the icey cold mountain stream, dry clothes and food later and I'm ready for bed at 5:00 pm.  Everyone seems tired, but I am just plain exhausted.  However, Devon seems pretty intent on gathering some firewood so we can have a camp fire and sing songs I guess, big hippie.  So I help him retrieve some firewood.  By that, I mean I nearly kill myself.  I spend 20 minutes hacking away at a burned tree stump with a very well used machete, then Devon gives it a yank.  No dice, so he goes to get smaller stuff and I keep hacking for another minute or two.  Then I decide that maybe if I push on it in a different direction I might get it to give.  I adjust my feet, lean into it, and give a sound push.  That sound push snapped the log loose and send me somersualting down the riverbank.  I did a full front flip followed by 20' of tummbling and am luckily caught by a thick shrub full of thorns.  The drop into the water was another 8' away or so.

Needless to say, after that my adrenaline was flowing and my desire to find more firewood was all but non-existant.  The most frustrating part was that I never did find that piece of log that almost got me killed.  So we sat and played some rummy until it started getting dark, then we lit the camp fire.  It was nice, the evening was calm and the moon was really bright.  Not a bad way to end a long day.

Thursday morning found us sleeping in until 6:00.  The guide says that it is 34 km to the end of the trail, but after yesterday, we are confident that we can make it with no troubles.  Sure enough, by 10:30 am, we are already halfway.  So we stop, have a leasurely snack.  Explore the cave, fill our water and fertilize some bushes.  We really enjoyed this hike down.  The pace was much more relaxed, the incline on this side of the mountian was much more relaxed, and our overall mood was much more relaxed.  Yes, it was a fairly relaxed hike.  The trees also became bigger and bigger with more song birds and other critters.  The jungle and folliage became much thicker and more dense and we just enjoyed all that we had to see.  We even came to one section where the jungle just turned into a heavey patch of vines full of these little white flowers.  It was like it had snowed or something.  Then within 50 paces or so, they all disapeared.  Really magical.
We were all pretty exhausted with very tired feet, but the sense of accomplishement with cannopy of trees being shot through by warm sunshine elevated our mood to make the day much more enjoyable than the two previous days.

We exited the park, thanked our begrudging guide and then headed down the road to Sipi Falls.  A short hike off the road gave us a marvolous panorama of the three cascading water falls, the gorge, and part of the mountain in the background.  Three entreprenuing 10 year-olds showed us where to go and even provided a stand for the camera.  Then after these kids showed us around, some drunks and supposed proprietors tried to charge us for coming down to view the falls.  I suppose they get a lot of money from tourists that way, but we told them that the kids did the work so the kids get the fee.  We payed the kids the equivalent of $0.25 each and headed into town.  We crashed with the same friend who hosted us the night we arrived at the mountain and enjoyed a very nice local dinner prepared by one of the teachers at our friend's school.  What a wonderful day.

We had every intention of getting up early on Friday and hurring to my home in hopefully one day.  But when 6:00 am rolled around, we just rolled over.  So by 8:00, we had breakfast and finally got on a taxi into Mbale town.  Devon went his way while Sully and I went north to Soroti and then Lira.  While on the bus ride, I made arrangements to do a boat Safari at Murchinson Falls National Park since reaching my house today was out of the question.  So we continue to Gulu.  On the way, however, tragidy strikes.  We must have gotten some bad rollexes (omlet burrito) on the bus because Sully isn't feeling so hot.  I guess I'm used to it because I feel fine.  Actually, he feels down right aweful.  As soon as the taxi reaches Gulu, he gets out and unleashes a torrent of vomit all over the parking lot.  So I let him catch his breath long enough for us to get to a hotel.  The first one is booked, the second one is booked, the third one is booked, and the fourth one is too far to walk especially with Sully being sick and it already being well past dark.  So, back to hotel number three and we beg for a room.  When the get a look at Sully they magically have a room availible (thank God).  Some hagling, then we are in like flin.  Sully spends that night in the bathroom for the most part, and the next day (Saturday) just resting in bed.  Meanwhile I rearrange our boat ride and safari, but we have to leave at 4:00 am on Sunday and this means no time to reach my house.  So I also rest up.  Saturday was fairly uneventful.  Though I did take advantage of Sully's poor health and whoop his ass in rummy a few times.

We get in our private safari truck at 4:30 am on Sunday.  We pass out in the back while the driver and owner do the navigating to the park.  At 6:00 am we are at the gate and a very disgruntled attendant informs us that the park doesn't open until 7:00, but she lets us in anyway.  We drive into the park just as the sun is rising.  Some beautiful views of a very red sun coming up over acacia trees and rolling lowlands.  About 6 km into the park and we are already surrounded by bush-bucks, impalas, buffalo, giraffes, and the Ugandan kop.  It is awesome.  The roof of the safary truck opens so we can stand and get a full 360 degree view of everything.  Then we come upon another car around 7:00 and follow them for a while hoping they are going to find the lions.  They have a park warden with them, so thier odds are better than ours.  We stop to take a picture with some elephants.  If I was stupid, I could have thrown a stone and hit them.  We were close, but they are ginormous and I'm not that stupid.  We continue following around the other vehicles and are joined by more until we have quite a caravan going on.  Still no lions though.  Sad, but we are so close to all the animals that we see that it is still a spectacular experience.

Then at noon we stop at the boat launch, fairy the car across and get lunch.  Sully still isn't keen on food, so I get two beers.  It looks tempting but he wisely declines.  But that means I have two beers, oh what to do?  I take care of the beers, but we are getting low on monies and the resuraunt is expensive.  So it looks like two beers for a liquid lunch.  I'm out of practice, tired, and on an empty stomach.  By the time we reach the boat, I'm a bit tipsy.  Not that it matters though.  All I have to do is sit and watch the wildlife pass by.  Song birds, fishing birds, hippos, crocodiles, bush elephants, and water bucks are copious as we slowly make our way up the Nile to the falls.  The falls themselves are worth the trip.  Not nearly as big and awesome as Sipi Falls, but covered so thickly in vegitations and adorned with so many critters all around, they made for an enchanting sight.

Then back down the Nile to our landing.  I catch a few Z's along the way.  The day is wrapping up though.  It is now 5:00 pm and we have been awake since 3:30 am.  Our driver and the safari truck owner inform us that goining out the other park entrance will take too long, so we should fairy the boat back accross and go out the same way.  I'm pretty annoyed at this news because he agreed with this exact time line yesterday.  He didn't know the park opened at 7:00 am, he didn't know that there is a 30,000 USH entrance fee for vehicles, and now he tells me he didn't realize that going out the other way was so long.  I get the distinct feeling that he hasn't done this before.  If it wasn't for his prices being almost half of the others, I would be really pissed off.  So after wasting 28,000 USH to fairy us across the Nile, we get back on the barge and go back.  Luckily the fairy price is always for a round trip so we didn't have to pay again.  The drive out gave us another helping of big game and a glorious sunset just as we left the park.  What a day!

Sully and I pass out on the drive back to Gulu.  Then we say good night, pay the owner and find a cafe still open at 10:00 pm.  I devour two dinners and Sully restrains himself to only eat half of his sandwich.  Then we go and find a bus headed to Kampala that is supposed to leave at midnight, so I figure it will actually leave around 1:00 or 2:00 am and we will get into the city by 7:00 am.  We could have waited for an early morning bus, but that would mean getting another hotel room.  So we sit on the bus, organize our stuff and pass out again.  Around 5:30 am we are woken by the sound of an engine and the conductor collecting fairs.  The bus is just now preparing to leave.  Damn.  So we check our stuff and then go back to sleep until 6:30 am when the bus finally leaves.  Damn.

The ride was uneventful and we arrive safe and sound.  We get to the PC office around noon on Monday, repack Sully's stuff, go souvenier shopping and then offer to take Rob out to dinner.  We hitch a ride with PC halfway to Rob's house and arrive just in time to find out he got tired of waiting for us and went and got more steak.  We were a little sad that we couldn't repay him for all his kindness, but happy to hear the word steak again.  By now Sully's appetite had returned and I am always ready for more steak.  So we humbly accept and have a few beers while we grill our beautiful strap of cow.  After dinner, we watch a real American movie on a real nice tv while sitting in really comfortable chairs.  If the movie wasn't so good, I would have been dead asleep.  Then Rob offers to take Sully to the airport for his 3:00 am flight.  This give Sully and I time to play some more rummy and shoot the breeze until Rob is ready to go at 1:30.

We drop Sully off at the airport, Rob lets me sleep in the spare room again (I hope he realizes that if he keeps treating me so nice, I'm going to keep coming back), and the next morning I'm ready to go back home.  It was a whirlwind adventure with a few low points, but more than compensated for by awesome beauty and awesome people.  Just think, if you come to visit I'll be even better at this tour guide gig.  Hardly anthing will go wrong :)

Oh, finally I recieved another care package from Penny G.  I would like to offer my deepest gratitude to Penny and let everyone else know that you can never send too much jerkey.  Yuuummmmmmm!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post! I want to hear more stories first hand.

    If you find yourself in India between January and April of 2012 let me know. I will be in Lucknow. If not, maybe we can meet in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. I'll be there after Lucknow.
